Archive of Tag 'innovation'

Top 10 Problems Facing C-Level Executives

Posted by Jeff Hayes on January 29, 2024 in Coaching

At any given point in time corporate executives are mired in the problems and opportunities of modern day business. For executives in Fortune 500 companies, the following list represents the top 10…

Top 10 Problems Faced by Executives

What is DevOps and Why Should I Care?

Posted by Erin Quick-Laughlin on April 9, 2019 in Agile

Are there bits and pieces of your company that suffer from “Never been done before, and therefore not a viable option for us?” The operations best practice entitled DevOps may fall into…

What is DevOps? CartoonStock Artist Aaron Bacall

Scrum Exceeds Expected Value Due to Frequent Feedback

Posted by Erin Quick-Laughlin on March 11, 2019 in Agile

In the world of product innovation, an agile framework provides much greater value than traditional development methodologies can offer. Jeff introduced this concept in Agile Provides the Greatest Value to Organizations. In…

CartoonStock. ''I'll take that one.'' by Todd Condron

What is Your ‘Writing Voice’ When You are Not the Writer?

Posted by Jeff Hayes on July 31, 2016 in Business

Most savvy businesspersons understand that ‘content is king,’ meaning that good, appropriate content is an important key to the success of marketing campaigns today. Where content production is concerned, these same businesspersons…

Your Writing Voice Defines You

Thus Spake Google: How Wagging the Dog is Working for the Rest of Us

Posted by Jeff Hayes on April 30, 2014 in Technology

Google has become one of the most successful companies in history, in part due to its ability to tell us who we are.  Asking metaphorically, Is Google a prophet? Can it predict…

People everywhere are 'wagging the dog' by what they search for.

Responsive Design: What Is It and Why Should We Care?

Posted by Jeff Hayes on February 27, 2014 in Technology

One Size Does Not Fit All Responsive design is the relatively new practice of creating websites that look good wherever they happen to be viewed, such as: On your desktop or notebook…

Responsive Web Design - AlignTech Solutions

Content Management Systems: Which is Best For Your New Project?

Posted by Jeff Hayes on September 30, 2013 in Technology

When Tim Berners-Lee developed the world’s first website at CERN in 1990 — using a simple Unix-based browser — do you suppose he had any idea how expansive the Web would become?…

Content Management Systems of the Past - AlignTech

A Brief History of Nearly Everything (Digitally) Important

Posted by Jeff Hayes on July 15, 2013 in Technology

Evolution of the World Wide Web The World Wide Web (or just Web) was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee, a (then) CERN consultant/engineer who was looking for a way to facilitate the exchange…

Hokosai's Wave - Digital Marketing - AlignTech

What’s New in Web Design?

Posted by Jeff Hayes on June 14, 2013 in Technology

I’ve worked in the digital world long enough to appreciate the old adage about change being the only constant.  The relationships I’ve built with our clients don’t tend to waver over time,…

What's New in Web Design? Thoughts from AlignTech Solutions

Trends in Technology: Rosetta Stone Required

Posted by Jeff Hayes on January 30, 2013 in Technology

When we hear the phrase Trends in Technology, some of us begin thinking about technologies that should be coming of age soon.  Some of us think “What now!?!” perhaps because technology inspires fear…

Trends depend upon strengths, experience and generation to which one belongs