Archive of Quality of Life

The factors that go into any conversation about quality of life (QOL) are dependent upon the actual context of each conversation: From which perspective are we discussing this quality?

Coworker Dilemmas Resonate with Readers

Posted by Jeff Hayes on August 13, 2012 in Quality of Life

In reviewing searches that led individuals to our website and blog last month I was surprised to find that roughly 55% of them were looking for information about handling difficult coworkers. Why?…

Coworker Dilemmas Exist on a Large Scale

Six Ways of Being Uncivil and Nine Alternatives

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on March 16, 2012 in Quality of Life

You know things are tough when the founder of the ‘Civility Project’ calls it quits… All you have to do is listen to a political debate or tune in to any talking…

Think before you speak.

Managers: The Everyday Evangelist

Posted by Jeff Hayes on May 23, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the fifth article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad. Twenty years ago, in 1991, it was quite a novelty for someone to have in their job title…

The everyday evangelist has a lot of energy

Managers: The Artful Dodger

Posted by Jeff Hayes on March 25, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the fourth article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad.  Do you happen to know any managers who CAN NOT accept responsibility for anything that happens?  Nothing pertaining…

The artful dodger never seems to be responsible for anything that happens

Part II: Coping with the Five Types of Toxic Coworkers

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on March 13, 2011 in Quality of Life

In a prior post, we took a look at the five types of toxic coworkers. Here, we’ll discuss different ways in which you can cope with them.  You may have some immediate,…

Context... ,

Coping skills for dealing with toxic coworkers

Managers: The Strength Finder

Posted by Jeff Hayes on March 7, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the third article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad. Fortunately, there are some very good managers in this world and one of them is the Strength Finder….

The strength finder is a reliable manager

Part I: The Five Types of Toxic Coworkers

Posted by Tim Holdsworth on February 27, 2011 in Quality of Life

We’re all just trying to make a living and it helps to have friends who all get along — but some people are particularly adept at making it worse than it has…

The five types of toxic coworker: Identify and beware

Managers: The Arrogant Bastard

Posted by Jeff Hayes on February 21, 2011 in Quality of Life

This is the second article in our series entitled Managers: The Good and the Bad. Poor managers like the Arrogant Bastard represent a real risk to the companies for which they work.  It…

The arrogant bastard is to be avoided

Managers: The Innovator

Posted by Jeff Hayes on February 8, 2011 in Quality of Life

As promised in the introduction to this series of articles about Managers: The Good and the Bad, we’ll focus firstly on “The Innovator”. Innovators are those leaders who can easily view the…

The innovator is sometimes a better leader than manager

Managers: The Good and the Bad

Posted by Jeff Hayes on January 13, 2011 in Quality of Life

Managers come in all shapes and sizes; they come in all races and creeds and in both genders; with numerous strengths and weaknesses; with each of the temperaments defined by the Myers-Briggs…

Good Managers Have a Few Things in Common